Archive for April, 2012

What do Treats, Food, Cheese and Bye-Bye have in Common?

April 15, 2012

My husband posed the question “Why do dogs tilt their heads from side-to-side when you ask them a question?” Given the dismal economy, roller coaster-riding stock market and less than encouraging news all around, I was happy to delve into the deep-seated meaning of the doggy head cock. I thought it would be a Wiki-quick answer. Over 20 websites and blogs later, here’s what I found. Some dogs, such as Spaniel Parker, have pendulous (meaning hanging down loosely) ears that obstruct sounds. Short story: Sound waves get muffled by their thick ears. The dog has to cock his/her head so that sound waves can pass through their big, heavy ear flap before reaching their eardrums. I also learned that high-pitched sounds get their attention because they resemble the noises made by traditional prey such as rabbits or chipmunks. I believe all of this. But, I also believe that dogs quickly learn to interpret words that have meaning to them. Parker’s favorites are food, treats, cheese and bye-bye. Just say any one of these words and he is yours. Anyone have any other words that drive your dog or dogs to frenzied happiness?

Have Bag, Will Travel

April 1, 2012

Parker has reached his adult weight. He’s now 18 pounds, two pounds under American Airlines’ 20-pound pet weight restriction. I resurrected his travel bag from the storage closet to see how a full-grown Cavalier fits. He jumped right into the cushion-lined bag without hesitation. He just looked up at me, as if he was saying, “Where are we going? I’m ready.”